

A Traditional Dish

  • Spanish Tortilla: A Traditional Dish

The Spanish tortilla is one of Spain’s most famous and beloved dishes. It’s simple, yet full of flavor, and plays a big role in Spanish culture. Whether served for breakfast, dinner, or as a snack (tapas), the tortilla is a popular choice in Spanish homes and restaurants.

  • Origins of the Spanish Tortilla
    The Spanish tortilla, or “tortilla de patatas,” dates back to the 18th century in northern Spain, specifically in the region of Navarre. Legend says a farmer created the dish by mixing eggs and potatoes to feed his family a filling meal. Over the years, this dish spread across Spain and became a national favorite.


  • Key Ingredients
    The classic Spanish tortilla has just a few basic ingredients:
  1. Potatoes : Sliced thinly or diced, potatoes are the main ingredient.
  2. Eggs : Beaten eggs bind the potatoes and give the dish its texture.
  3. Onions (optional): Some prefer adding onions for a sweeter taste, though this is a personal choice.
  4. Olive oil : Used to fry the potatoes, olive oil adds a rich flavor.

How to Make It
To prepare the tortilla, peel and slice the potatoes and fry them in olive oil over low heat until soft. Some people like to add onions at this stage. While the potatoes cook, whisk the eggs with a little salt. Once the potatoes are done, mix them with the eggs, then cook the mixture in a pan until it sets. Flip the tortilla carefully to cook the other side.

  • Modern Variations
    Although the traditional recipe is simple, many modern versions of the tortilla include ingredients like cheese, spinach, or chorizo. These new versions add extra flavors but still respect the original recipe.
  • Conclusion
    The Spanish tortilla is a simple but deeply loved dish in Spain. Its basic ingredients and easy preparation make it a favorite for both home cooks and professional chefs worldwide.

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